Yohn Parra

Data Science Professor

Yohn Parra

Data Science Professor

Data Science Professor Yohn Parra
About Me

Yohn Jairo Parra Bautista, an experienced educator specialized in data science and computing.

Professor In The Department Of Computing And Information Sciences, At Florida A&M

With a passion for equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed in today’s technology-driven world. In my courses, I cover a wide range of topics, including data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, and statistical modeling.

I also delve into the fundamentals of computer science, teaching concepts such as programming languages. My goal is to empower my students to excel in these fields, preparing them for promising careers in data science and computing, where they can make meaningful contributions to solving real-world challenges and driving innovation.

What I Do

I teach and do research in data science, ML and AI. My research focus are in ethics, language models, AI in health care and data behavior


Python, Data Mining, Ethics, Databases, C++ and IT


I do research with diverse domains that involved AI and ML. Such domains: healthcare, ethics, business, sociology and humanities.

Curriculum Development

I design data science courses for a major and master at Florida A&M University.

“Transforming Code into Knowledge.”